Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Angel Eggs

My absolute favorite part of all holiday related meals is the Deviled Egg.  I know it's not a consistent hit amongst everyone, but that usually means more for those of us who love 'em! 

I've made a number of variations, some with tarragon, Dijon mustard or even capers, all of which have strayed from the traditional mustard/mayo/paprika classic.  You can't go wrong, in my opinion. 

When I was a kid, the word devil kind of creeped me out, so I called them Angel Eggs. 

What's your favorite holiday food?  Are you making a traditional family dish this weekend, trying out something new, or skipping cooking altogether? 

1 comment:

  1. Between the wedding pictures and Angel eggs, I got a little teary. I've just been baking so far. Cranberry white chocolate biscotti,Pumpkin rolls with a little Jack Daniels in them(yum)!! frosted and sprinkle sugar cookies and some granola. Happy Thanksgiving.


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