Friday, July 22, 2011


107 degrees in B-more today. 90 degree temps predicted all week. Here's a litte something sparkly to keep our minds off this weather; this and this should help, too. Have a good one, all. xo

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Monday, July 11, 2011

Good times

Just saying hello and reporting that summer, in all it's heat and glory, is going well. Food, friends, travel, adventures, domesticity, and even a little dash of work have made for a busy couple of months. I'm still here and will update now and again. So thanks again for swinging by. I hope your summer is going well! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I ate too much.

Happy Monday, everyone. How was your 4th of July? I don't think I've eaten so much since Christmas, but for that reason and others it really felt like a holiday this year. I'm going to drink a lot of water and eat some salad with lettuce and fresh veg this week, as opposed to this kind of salad (which I can highly recommend from recent experience).

What did you eat/drink/blow up?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Have a wonderful long weekend!

What are you up to this lovely long weekend, my friends? My in-laws fly in from Vancouver tonight and we've planned the weekend all around food, museums, and pool time. My father-in-law turns 65 on the 4th, so we're planning an all-American "picnic style" lunch (per his request). Naturally, the only place I consulted for delicious summer food was here

Take care, eat well, and enjoy yourselves. xo

[Image via you are the river]