Friday, June 11, 2010


Today is my lovely neighbor's birthday so I decided to bake her a birthday cake.

I had never baked a cake from scratch before today (I'm a bit embarrassed to say).  But, after a bit of googling and adding my own touches (such as melting chocolate chips to give my cake a nice chocolaty hue), it came out quite nicely.

The squiggle candles are a nice touch, eh?

The real challenge was the frosting: perfecting buttercream.

I found a recipe online that seemed easy and nice, but modified it a bit to my tastes.  Enjoy, it really works quite nice!

1 Cup Butter
1 3/4 Cups Confectioners Sugar
1/2 Whole Milk
1 1/2 Tsp Vanilla
1/2 Cup Boiling Water

-First, boil 1/2 cup of water. 
-In a separate large mixing bowl, add the soft, room temperature butter together along with the sugar, ice cold whole milk and vanilla.  With a powerful hand or stand mixer, mix together until the frosting gets creamy and thick. 
-Measure the water to 1/2 cup and grab a teaspoon.
-While the frosting is mixing, add the boiling water spoonful by spoonful, or pour it in at a slow, drip-drop pace.  Make sure the frosting from the sides is scraped off and included.
-Voila! Presto! There ya be... cream it until whipped and delicious, and you'll have a generous bowl of oh-so-creamy and sweet buttercream frosting!


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